They laughed when I spoke Korean. But when I started to communicate!


I found an amazing story from a Korean language learner, Jamie.

Let me know what you think of the story!

Matt has just called the server. The table was filled with an excitement to try the Korean bbq. The restaurant was one of the top rated in the Korean Town, Los Angeles.

I decided that this would be a dramatic moment for me to show my Korean skills. To the amazement of all my friends, I took the menu from Matt’s hand and called the server in Korean. “저기요. ( Excuse me )”

“Jamie speaks Korean!” somebody chuckled. Friends laughed. They were all certain that I couldn’t speak a single Korean.

“Can she really speak Korean?” I heard Emily whisper to Matt.

“Of course, no!” Matt exclaimed. “Don’t you know she even failed the Spanish class? But just you watch her. This is going to be fun.”

I decided to make the most of the situation. When the server approached with the name tag “Mincheol”, I looked into his eyes and called him with a smile, “민철씨,” just as I had seen an imitator of Park Seo Jun do in a ‘What’s wrong with the secretary Kim’.

“Yo, Jamie, Just order in English.” called a voice from the rear.

“Stop, Matt. Oppa-girl is going to show us something cool.” and the crowd rocked with laughater.

Then I started to communicate

“여기 추천 메뉴 있어요? ( Is there a recommendation? )” I spoke to Mincheol.

“오! 한국어 잘 하시네요! ( Wow, you’re good at Korean! )” Micheol replied.

Instantly a tense silence fell on the table. The laughter died on their lips as if by magic. I had a small talk regarding the best menu in this retaurant with Mincheol. I heard gasps of amazement. My friends sat speechless.

I keep talking and as I talked, I forgot friends around me. Pure excitement of communicating in the Korean languaged has surrounded me. Small jokes between me and Micheol made him laugh.

A complete triumph

As Micheol went back with the list of orders in his hand, the table was filled with excitement. I found myself surrounded by amazed faces. Everybody was exclaiming with delight.

“Jamie! Why didn’t you tell us you could speak Korean like that?”

“Where did you learn?” “How long have you studied?” “Who was your teacher?”

“just a short while ago I couldn’t speak a single sentence.” I replied.

“Quit your kidding,” laughed Matt, himself a Spanish bilingual. “You’ve been studying for years. I can tell.”

“I have been studying only a short while,” I insisted. “I decided to keep it a secret so that I could surprise you all.”

Then I told him the whole story.

“Have you ever heard of the 33 Day Korean Challenge?” I asked…

That is the end of the story.

What do you think of the storoy?

Do you also have a simlar story?

Please tell me if you have one 😆

Thank you!
